Saturday, June 03, 2006

lame stuff!!

to all those who r stressed. here's a de-stresser.. give a round of applause to fiona loi!! hahahaha

let me tell you a the name hamburger came aboutonce a upon a time, there was a boy by the name of Ham. Ham loved his hamburgers.really really really very much. one day, as he was going to chomp down on his lovely burger, his mommy called: " Ham!! come and pack your bed!"Ham, being a good boy, got up to help mommy. but just as he was going, he didnt want to leave his burger alone. so he wrote a sign: Ham's Burger. in the hope that no one would eat his burger. however, after his chores, he forgot all about it. the burger braved winds, and rain and the scorching heat. the sign did as well... until due to the weathering (geog) the 's got weathered away, leaving behind Ham-Burger.hahahahahhahahaha..

let me tell you another story...How the name coca cola came aboutonce a upon a time, there was a teenager, by the name of Coca. He was tanned. really tanned at birth, hence his mom called him Coca cos he was as dark as a Cocoa bean. Coca grew up to become a strong man. he found a job in a restaurant as a busboy. he had to run errands for everyone. one day the chef called him: " COCA! BRING ME THE PORK FROM THE FREEZER AND MAKE IT SNAPPY!!!"so Coca went to get it... finally he passed it to the chef. the chef was making this really really sweet drink. because it was the first of its kind, he could not think up of a name. he looked up to see Coca jumping and fidgeting about.chef: " Coca, what are you doing?"coca: " boss, Coca Cold la "EUREKA!

and finally one last story.....How the name Television was derivedthere was a little girl called thelma. her surname was lee. so she is Thelma Lee. Thelma was a little girl who loved science. she dreamt of it, thought of it and spoke of it.but one day, thelma met with an accident. she couldnt see anymore. we would think it would be sad, but No! it did not discourage thelma from pursuing her passion! one day, as Thelma was doing an experiment. she accidentally mixed 2 very different chemicals together and BOOOOOM!!!! there was an explosion!THELMA COULD SEE AGAIN!!!! it was a miracle! thelma called her newfound creation the ThelleeVision. hahahahhahaha..

dont you just loveit!? ahahahhahaha


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Sat Jul 22, 01:34:00 pm  

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