Sunday, April 08, 2007

just some random thoughts i had before i fell asleep on my bed for a nap:

you know how all these talk has been about there being no God and that we came from monkeys (or apes). somehow something did not seem right to me. something about the argument is flawed. so i gave it some thought and tried to think from a atheist point of view (something i have learned to do from sociology, sadly).

ok if i were a monkey and i knew that somehow, the fittest would survive, but i want to survive... what would i do? first on my list, murder. i would murder anyone who seems to be fitter than me. next, i would cheat. i would cheat everyone else into believing im the best so i deserve more food and resources. of course, cheating comes with lying. so that's 2 things i'll do. then, i'll steal or rob when the other monkey does not give me what i want. afterall, the fittest will survive! so i must get all the food i need and the most well protected spot for resting.

well, you get the idea. then something else struck me, after reading what joel posted about the atheist thing. would love actually exist in such an environment whereby only the fittest will survive? NAH. hahaha what a stupid thing to propose! if i were to be altruistic and love the other monkeys, where would i be now?????? DEAD, along with other monkeys that did not evolve. hahaha. so, NO! i'll never love. only dumb monkeys will love and help and share and care. the fittest survives. and i want to be that fittest one.

so where did love come from? if there is no God, and we all came from monkeys, then we'd live in trying to outdo the next person. this innate love we have must have come from some wise being up there, who sees what is going on now and what will happen if we continue to live selfishly.

something i learnt in social psychology is that when faced with self interest and group interest, we'd choose self interest. but in fact, group interest will protect everyone and ensure that everyone survives in the long run, while self interest, although it benefits the individual in the short run, will eventually kill off everyone else in the group. so on our own, we'd have no love, and tried to grab as much benefits for ourselves. but because someone looked into the future and said: oh no, i better tell this bunch of losers that they'll go extinct if they keep on being selfish. i think i need to teach them what is love, so that they can help each other and be united and ensure the survival of everyone. to me, this explains why we have the law that moses got in the old testament.

then after this wise being gave this bunch of losers a set of what-to-do's, this bunch of losers, because they are losers, decided that they knew better and hence, did not want to follow the instructions and went back to their old ways. then the wise being had no choice but to teach individuals in the group what to do, so they can teach the rest. but that did not work out either. so, what to do? this wise being, being wise, decided, what to do? just go show them what love actually means loh, and at the same time, make it easier for the bunch of losers to love. thats why we celebrate christmas, good friday and easter.

if you have come thus far, congratulations. dont ask why i can think so much while trying to go to sleep. hahaha.


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