Monday, July 02, 2007

i know this post is pretty late, but hey.. lets just say i have been successfully avoiding the computer.

went out with annalisa and li fang last week. got reminded of how wonderful it is to have friends who last for a long time. strangely she was one of the rare few who noticed that i cut my hair (that is, before i cut it again).. haha and somehow, i did not feel weird when the two doctors-to-be talked in their medical language.. li fang and i managed to surprise annalisa for her birthday. i mean, come on.. she actually believed that i have forgotten about her birthday.. haha.. so ya, we surprised her with cakes at li fang's mom's cafe. haha. nice.

anna, you are so coming to my birthday party, if i have one. ;)

was very bored at home and tried looking for people to go out with, but no one i asked was free. and lo and behold, angela sms's me and asks if i wanna go out. haha talk about coincidence. so we went out and i managed to buy the skirt i wanted to buy. woohoo!

but the most interesting thing was this. angela was JUST talking about cutting her hair short, when this well dressed cute guy comes up to us. if it were up to me, i would have brushed the guy off without listening. but his company name caught angela's ear. Toni and Guy's. so ya they were offering free haircut, but that was all i could gather, since i could hardly understand his accent. haha so ya, we walked over and to my horror, the place was swarming with grown indian men. i am NOT racist actually, but it was really scary to see so many of them, especially when they come and stand behind you after you have taken your seat in front of the mirror. haha. yups. these men from India have just finished a course by Toni and Guy's so they needed "models" (more like dummies) to try their newly learnt skill. and angela and i signed up for this. oh well. the comforting thing was that the stylist was a professional. only the person cutting is a newbie. to be honest, i am ok with my new hairstyle, though i did not plan on cutting my hair again. third time this year, as compared to my normal frequency of three years once. haha now angela and i look like twins. wonderful.

anyhow, there are things waiting for me to deal with and the last thing i need now is to be childish and emotional. must put on humility and wisdom to fight this battle.


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